The Best Part of Stampin' Up!

I want to share with you what I found to be the best part of being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. 

Yes, of course I love the discount and all the products but what is really so wonderful are the friendships I've made with fellow demonstrators.  You can meet other demonstrators and immediately find you have so much in common.


Above is a picture from the last OnStage Stampin' Up! Convention.  I've met up with some of these ladies the last few conventions and some have become brand new friends. (P.S. that’s me holding the orange sign.)

We are all in a FaceBook Group together and share ideas, projects, prayers, celebrations, etc.  We have a great time together!  This group has come along side me when I've gone through some difficult times and I love that they are there.

During Sale-A-Bration Stampin' Up! has a special incentive to join.  For $99 you get:

  • $125 of Stampin' Up! Products (your choice)

  • Mini Paper Cutter

  • Package of 6x6 Designer Series Paper

  • Stamp of your choice (Host stamp sets and Sale-A-Bration stamp sets not included.)

  • Free shipping

  • Access to team FaceBook pages, challenges, wonderful crafting community

You get a 20% discount on future orders while you remain active.

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What's stopping you?  You can become a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and just enjoy the discount and community or make it a business.  No pressure, just lots of fun!!!